I wanted to share some updates regarding the fragrances that are on tap to be reviewed in the short-term and long-term, that are still to be tested, and issues which may impact my review schedule on both a fragrance and personal levels.
There are several different categories of fragrances that I wanted to let you know about: First, the fragrances subject to (most probable) upcoming review in the weeks ahead; second, the ones I haven’t decided whether to review due to availability issues (Agar Aura and Slumberhouse) and which, as a result, I’d like to hear from you about the relevancy of coverage; and third, a broad category that consists of fragrances still to be tested or about which I haven’t yet decided if I like enough to exert the effort the effort to cover; and fourth, fragrances that I really like, such as vintage Dioressence or Tabu, but don’t have the energy or time to do the necessary research required for a vintage review, particularly with regard to the important bottle identification and the necessary comparisons across different vintage formulas and concentrations.
Let’s start with the first category of fragrances most likely to be covered in the weeks ahead, subject to the personal issues that I’ll talk about at the end. Thus far, what’s on tap:
- Parfum d’Empire‘s Mal-Aimé (the definite next review);
- PRIN Rahassanai and Mandodari; and
- Al Shareef Oudh‘s Qubrus.
The second category consists of fragrances that I haven’t decided whether to review due to availability issues:
- Agar Aura‘s Cheikh Boheme and Al-Arabiya; and
- Slumberhouse Fjerne, Norne (circa 2019, I think), and updated Grev.
The quandary that I am in and my competing thoughts on this issue are as follows. I think there is a genuine value to reviewing fragrances, even if not currently available, for the same reasons that one reviews vintage fragrances: someone out there has a bottle and would be interested in a detailed olfactory breakdown. There is also a value for the purposes of a historical record. On the other hand, no-one likes to read about a scent that they may like or love but which is unobtainable, even in sample form. I certainly don’t. It’s frustrating. And I don’t like to frustrate a large majority of readers even if the review will have value and merit to a much smaller group.
Take, for example, Slumberhouse‘s Fjerne. It’s not the sort of thing that I normally wear or like but, to my great surprise, I actually loved it. It was a “Cozy Comfort” fragrance, my favourite genre, to which I turned repeatedly about a month ago when both my parents were in the hospital simultaneously.
But here are a few olfactory things that you should know: My bottle is the 30 ml original 2020 version; a subsequent, tweaked version was issued in early 2022 in a larger, fatter, and more expensive 50 ml bottle; both versions are completely sold out and impossible to sample; and Josh Lobb told me that he will be re-issuing the scent in the months ahead with new bottle packaging and, given Mr. Lobb’s constant retweaking to achieve perfection, with very likely further changes, resulting in yet a third version.
I don’t know what to do. As I said, I loved the original Fjerne 2020. I thought it whimsical, fun, and playful in addition to smelling good and becoming more addictive in nature the longer I tried it. While it wasn’t very well received, I think that is because it departs from Mr. Lobb’s patchouli and spice signature and because it’s a little quirky. However, I truly think if Serge Lutens had issued this fragrance — which has a number of Lutenesque popular elements like sweetness, milkiness, and wheat alongside its hazelnut, coconut, shea butter, vanilla, tonka, and other notes — it would have been a smash hit amongst a broad audience. I want to cover it, but I also don’t want to frustrate people.
Similar considerations apply to the re-issued, now vanished, Norne 2019. Unlike Fjerne, I don’t know if this one will be re-tweaked then released again. I need to ask Mr. Lobb.
What are YOUR thoughts regarding any of these now sold-out Slumberhouses or Agar Auras?
The third category of fragrances is a broad one: fragrances still to be tested or about which I haven’t yet decided if I like enough to exert the effort the effort to cover. The first subset consists of things that I haven’t tested yet but plan to or would like to:
- Parfums Dusita Montri (and/or, if I can ever find my sample again, Cavatina)
- Thomas de Gold Raw Gold;
- Hiram Green Vivacious (and, if I can ever find my old sample, Hyde);
- DI SER Hoshi Tsukiyo;
- Xerjoff Luxor;
- Milano Fragranze Pannetone (if I can find my sample again);
- Amouage Ashore; and
- Serge Lutens Fils de Joie.
Things that require further testing either because I was unenthused or unimpressed by my initial test or because it left me feeling ambivalent:
- Marissa Zappas Lilac Dream and Petrichor;
- Bortnikoff Coup de Foudre;
- Faviol Seferi Insomnia;
- PRIN Anatolia, Anatolia;
- Parfum Prissana Nimtyr; and
- Les Indemodables Iris Perle.
As a side note to the last brand, I definitely plan to cover at some point Musc des Sables, which I liked a lot, and Vanille Havanne. I just have to get myself motivated as there are fragrances which I liked more and which, as a result, are getting a higher priority.
Fragrances that I’m unlikely to review for a variety of different reasons, though the top two (of about 4 reasons) tend to be that I find them to have either overly strong amber-woody aromachemicals* for my degree of sensitivity or excessive sweetness**:
- Masque Milano Petra;*
- Jovoy Pavillion Rouge;
- BDK Tubereuse Imperiale;**
- Mallo HOZ; and
- Cristian Cavagna Boa Madre and Musa Paradisiaca.*
The fourth category of fragrances is the vintage ones. These are the ones that I’d actually love to cover the most. Unfortunately, these are the ones that I’m likely to delay the longest due to the monumental amount of time and research that goes into my vintage reviews, particularly with regard to critical concentration or formula comparisons and equally important bottle packaging differences. Why do these matter? So that you can tell which bottle on eBay is from which era and to get the best one for your tastes or budget.
Apart from the other Dioressence and Tabu shown above, another one that has been on the list for a long time is Givenchy‘s vintage Ysatis. It is a chypre-floral from 1984 and the one Dominique Ropion fragrance that I rave about, which should tell you something given my oft-stated feelings about Ropion. I’ve intended to get around to vintage Ysatis for the last five years, but something always delays things. Usually, it’s because I need to buy bottles from different decades and with different versions for the sake of comparison. That is still an impediment, alas. Plus, thanks to no batch code on my vintage bottle, I can’t even tell you from when it dates, so I certainly don’t have a basis by which to compare it to anything else I eventually buy.
There are a number of personal matters that you should be aware of and which might impact these plans. The main one is not something I’ve discussed outside of Twitter: my mother has dementia (and heart issues) and my father has terminal Stage 4 metastasized cancer and has, in the last month in particular, been weakening in such a way that the end suddenly seems sooner rather than later.
While I’ve been their primary caretaker since Covid struck, the pace of their decline over the last year in particular has had a major impact on me, my free time, my energy levels, my psyche, and my mental health. To be honest, the last 6 years have taken a toll but it’s worsened over the course of the ridiculously stressful last 2 years. Last month, my father was in the hospital for 9 days with potential organ failure and with a host of serious chemo-related issues. During those 9 days, my mother was in a different hospital with heart and lung issues.
One of my siblings has finally been helping out a bit over the last 6-8 weeks but, for me, it’s too little, too late. I’m emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted to the point that, when I have free time, I tend to spend it on distractions, sleep, or mental escapes. Perfume is not one of those escapes because it requires so much mental exertion and effort, which means that it tends to take a back seat whenever I have a bit of time to spend on myself.
I’m not sharing this for sympathy, for replies, or for discussion. Frankly, I’d prefer for you not to comment on it so that I can just block everything out on this one rare night when I have a big chunk of time for myself — thereby enabling this scheduling post or update and soon to be spent watching the new Criminal Minds: Evolution tv series — but I felt that you needed to know in case my review plans get upended and I don’t post anything for a while.
A less important factor is my mood and passion levels. It’s easiest to write when I really love something. It’s hardest now, after all these years, to write negative reviews or cover something whose intense smoky or woody-amber aromachemical levels make testing hard in light of my sensitivity limitations. I don’t have the time and I also have zero ability to persevere for even my usual minimum of 3-hours in order to write even one of my negative Review en Bref broad summations. (I’ll tell you this, though, the bro-tastic Initio Parfums Oud For Greatness is one of the worst things that I’ve smelled in years and a Chernobyl-like take on oud, in my opinion.)
I know I’ve forgotten a scheduling point or two that I had intended on mentioning, but I’m so tired and mentally burnt out right now that I can’t recall what they were or might have been.
If you have thoughts on my availability dilemma outlined above, please feel free to share.
Until next time, happy sniffing!
I have tried some attars like Yasameen, Ward, Kasef, Turath 1 etc by Al Shareef, Australia. They were amazing. But their pure taif oil was unbelievable. Gourmandish finest taif. I have tried pure taif oil of many best known makers in Dubai but this way way better. And Al Shareef are good people to do business with.
I would love to try his attars. I definitely plan to try more of his spray parfums but only after I’ve put a dent into the samples I’ve already ordered. I have to slap myself whenever I’m tempted to place another Luckyscent order, lol. Do you have any favourites amongst the spray extraits? (That’s the only concentration of his fragrances carried at this time at Luckyscent in the US.)
Sorry I haven’t tried his sp ray perfumes. But Ward is supposed to be good. Attar version of Ward was mind blowing rose with saffron.
I just want to day I read this, appreciate it, enjoy your blog, and I care. ~ Christina
Thank you. It’s much appreciated. *hug*
I enjoy and look forward to your blogs. At this stage of your life I think you should only do the reviews that increase your energy and joy. I will gratefully await the next review.
Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness.
Agree. I can understand the marathon effort taken for each and every review here.
Dearest K, it’s always good to see you writing and I think your tribe here will treasure anything you have time to write, or share. As Christina so succinctly said: we read, appreciate and care. Know that you are in my thoughts, and that I am sending ALL the hugs. You are stronger and braver than you know.
Regarding the reviews, I’d humbly suggest focusing on any that bring you joy, and not worry too much about availability, dates of issue or anything else that adds unnecessary burden. And just stay ‘No!’ to the super-maxxx-ultra-extreme-synth-woods. “WACs” seem to have steamrollered so many new releases in the last couple of years that the only explanation is that a big portion of the industry is suffering from some post-COVID form of nose blindness. And thank you for the observation about Initio OFG. OMG, more like. I thought I was the only one!
Hugs, and pup-snuggs from us.
Sweetie, you made me laugh out loud regarding post-Covid anosmia. Hahaha!
Thank you for your understanding and thoughtfulness about… well, about everything.
Please give the Hunds lots of snuggles back from me as well as many smooches. xoxo
Smooches given, and reciprocated. He’s an old gentleman now, so they’re all precious.
Nooooooooo, I hate hearing that. Why are their lives so excruciatingly short??! *sniffle* Hate it. I’m still not over the death of my beloved Hairy German on April 3, 2020, just 2 weeks after lockdowns, isolation, chaos, and fear set in.
Please go give him even further and tighter hugs from me.
I don’t often comment but I read your blogs. Slumberhouse is a perfume I must look into. They sound so interesting and the fact that they use nordic names taps into my countries mythology and my dna.
Your review of vintage perfumes I’ll be looking forward to.
When I “sent remember” my vintage favorites I’m a big smile. shiseido’s bois de feminite, Armani’s Gio, Gucci’s rush, Nicolaï’s no 1. Loved them all.
Big hug
First, welcome to the site, Kirsemor! I hope you’ll feel comfortable to comment more and not lurk.
Second, I loved hearing about the Nordic DNA response to Slumberhouse. That’s very cool.
Lastly, thank you for sharing the sorts of reviews that would interest you the most. Vintage fragrances are my favourite, too.
Come back again, okay?
Repeating myself : I love to read your reviews – those I‘ll never try, those I tried and loved/hated, the vintage (which I‘ve never dared due to authenticity issues…) and of course, the new ones. Your reviews have a scientific value, they‘re like a lexicon and in fact, they should be published in print.
BUT ! I wish you could just be a „user“ for a while. To use parfum as comfort, therapy, energiser, hammock sympathy, extasy – or just plain fun.
Sending you a big enveloping hug, dear Franz.
Darling, thank you. I, too, wish I could just wear and enjoy a fragrance but years of reviews and fragrance dissection have made that pretty hard, to be honest. With a handful of exceptions (like the vintage masterpieces), I’ve lost the ability to simply wear something without my brain kicking into gear and analysing things. It’s tiring, which is why I turn to television for comfort, therapy, and distraction.
Your words regarding the value of my reviews made me sniffle a little. I send you a HUGE hug back, Mi’Lady.
Separately, if you use social media sites, I hope you’ll join me on Post.news. I’m a Beta tester there, and it’s a lovely oasis that is filled with everything from news to pet photos, serious photography, art, food, and literary pieces. People from around the world are joining. I think you’ll like it.
Thank you, my dear, I joined the waiting list.
There are times where one has to prioritise and it sounds like this is that time for you.
I would love your review of Tabu and Dioressence, but that, I’m sure, can wait until next year, especially when it requires a significant amount of time to collate all the info you need.
As for fragrances that don’t float your boat, I wouldn’t worry about them. Just do what brings you joy and passion.
In the meantime, take care.
Thank you for understanding and, more importantly perhaps, seeing the labor intensiveness that goes into my reviews of vintage fragrances. Both that and your kindness about my current situation are very much appreciated.
I don’t know if I’m still allowed to comment here, but I’ll try it anyway. I would be very interested in your opinion on Vivacious and Hyde (I think they are unique perfumes, that are better by several spears in their category than the rest), as well as Raw Gold and Dusita-Erawan. Also, the house of Fort & Manle is interesting, which miraculously hasn’t found its way on this blog (yet), although they really have few very good perfumes (especially Fatih Sultan Mehemed).
I don’t ban for mere disagreement. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever banned anyone. That’s not my style.
Regarding Erawan, Pissara sent me a small decant at time of launch. Something about it didn’t move me, but I can’t recall now what it was. Given how many other samples or fragrances I’d like to write about, reviewing Erawan isn’t likely right now.
I’ll definitely look for Hyde but if you saw my sample situation and it’s sheer insanity, you’d understand why that’s going to take some major digging, lol. xD
OK, so that explains why Erawan is not covered on this blog. I always look under the heading of the “main houses” if my favourite perfume from a particular brand is covered (to see the opinion). To my surprise I didn’t find Erawan from Dusita, as well as Les Jeux sont Faits from Jovoy. I always thought that the reason for it is something other than “dislike”- If someone asked me what would be your favourite from the Dustita line I would with 100% certainty say its Earwan (followed by Oudh Infinity). Although Erawan is completely different from Ambre Mythique, to me it is as if they are the same two perfumes. If perfumes could be couples, Erawan and Ambre Mythique would be a dream couple.
Regarding Agar Aura and Slumberhouse: I have already made preparations regarding a eventual purchase of Layali cause of the swooning review, and I discussed the options with Alex from Lucky scent (who btw is giving great service), because importing into the EU from USA requires a healthy doses of masochism, but Layali was a disappointment (I ordered first a sample of it), not in the sense that the perfume was bad (because it was not a bad perfume), but in the sense of too much expectation I guess , because when I read the words magnificent and “blind buy ”, then I expect something out of the ordinary, and on me it was just oud, oud and more oud. When I tried it for the first time this summer, I thought that maybe because of the summer certain notes do not come out (and it was a tropical summer), and kept waiting for autumn , cause here autumn brings out the best from most perfumes, but the second and third testing did not significantly change the impression from the first test. So I gave up, and made peace that it won’t work on me. (Maybe I should try Al-Jazzab). The silver lining is I saved 400+ Euros on the magnificent & magical Layali and spend it on two 60 ml bottles of the molten marvel Puredistance-M instead (my favourite discovery from this blog). As for Slumberhouse- as usual samples are not available, just a sample of Kiste was available on Luckyscent ( and it seems that Lulua in EU won’t be getting any). To me it smells very much on Virginia Tobacco. As one part of my family comes from a region where planting virginia tobacco is part of the tradition, the smell of that tobacco is very familiar to me. All I can say is Virginia tobacco =hard work, and I just couldn’t shake this association out of the head, and therefore didn’t like the smell at all.
I would also like to point out which specific reviews led to the purchase. Francesca Bianchi-Sex and the Sea- although ultimately it is not one of those celebratory reviews, but the whole review left a deeply positive impression. (I was even able to visualise what clothes I will wear when I wear that fragrance on summer nights when I go out lol). And I bought it precisely because it was out of my comfort zone (in addition to the undeniable quality and very nice smell). Then Ambre Mytihque, which I liked even before your review, but your review was the definitive stamp of approval. And Hiram Green-Arcadia
And lastly, I love the aura of unpredictability about what will be covered next, because somehow a blogger must always be one step ahead of his readers, but I also like this “poll” what the readers would you like to see covered in the next review (but only as an endemic occurrence). I think everything was represented, from vintage perfumes to new perfumes as well as oud oil producers ( although I had the feeling that Chanel was overrepresented). I personally prefer review on new perfumes, because they are more interesting than vow the intage ones (I think that a lot has already been said), and they are much more available in every way than oud oil producers.
Time and budget considerations are also factors in deciding what I might cover. With re to time, my reviews are longer than anyone else’s in length, typically come about after a MINIMUM of two tests, often more, and consequently take longer to come together. This leaves me with less time to churn out multiple reviews a week, even without the additional time barrier of being the primary caretaker now for two ailing parents. I wish I could manage to write 400 to 500 page reviews like everyone else but I seem to be physically and mentally incapable of that, lol.
Cost is another issue. Putting aside invisible blog costs like hosting, server capacity size or whatever it’s properly called, Jetpack or Yoast fees, I pay for the vast majority of my samples or bottles.
Given the sorts of fragrances I cover, sample prices are high for some brands and growing higher still. I paid $20 and $22 for 2 vials of parfum from one brand back in August. Back when I started reviewing over a decade ago, the highest I paid was about $6.
I receive nothing from ads because I won’t have them on my site. I’m paid ZERO.
Since time and sample costs are an issue, I can’t just buy samples of every latest or newly released thing. And I have to get through at least a portion of what I already have, which takes me longer to do than it does for other bloggers because of the time that goes into multiple tests and lengthier text. That is why I haven’t yet purchased a sample of the new version of Puredistance M, to give you just one example.
There are a few other points of yours that I’d like to discuss or explain, but I need to exercise my German Shepherd so maybe later if I’m not too tired. Have a great day.
I always read your reviews, whether I intend to try the perfume or not. I find them very well written which is very much lacking in most publications as of late. I don’t have patience for watching videos, preferring to read instead. However, I think that your readers will be able to tell if your heart isn’t into what you are writing. I would much rather read an in depth analysis of a scent I know I will never try (or that I know I would not like) than read a piece clearly written out of obligation or antipathy. In short, write for yourself and for what brings you pleasure. We, the readers, will be here.
I really appreciate your kind words about my writing. Thank you for that and for your understanding re future reviews.
I always enjoyed your blogs, and you have a lot on your plate, but you must put yourself first.
Marshall your energy carefully in the way that best works for you. I’ll read whatever, whenever. And I’m really interested in seeing what happens with the next Fjerne iteration.
I think it has been said to death already, but I echo the comments above re: reviewing what interests you/brings you joy. I think considering the heart and soul you put into your reviews, it really makes sense to only review things you really want to review because you loved them or they are particularly significant for some reason. If this were a job or something it might make sense to soldier on and force yourself, but considering there are more perfumes than you could ever humanly review, even if you only did en bref reviews, you might as well just do the fun ones ^^
To throw in my two cents, I actually think having reviews from you about Agar Aura and Slumberhouse perfumes (besides just being highly engaging as all your reviews are) would be very useful even if any given perfume you write about is no longer readily available from retailers. Based on what I have observed, AA and SH both actually seem to be somewhat cyclical in their perfume releases.
Josh Lobb sort of releases batches every so often (as you mentioned, actually), so even if Fjerne or Kiste or Grev are not currently available, there is a pretty good chance they will be available again at some point in the next couple of years. Even if the formula is updated, the general profile/vibe will most likely be close enough that your review still is legitimately helpful, even with a slightly different formula.
Taha Syed does not quite as directly rerelease fragrances (although I think he has done that a couple of times as well), however I have noticed in reading (and dreaming about) the descriptions of the perfumes in the AA archive, he frequently mentions something along the lines of “If you loved X you will enjoy new Y” when he creates things that have similar profiles. So while the connection is not as direct, I think it would still be helpful if you reviewed Cheik Boheme for example and then three years from now AA released Cheik Suave or whatever and mentioned in their description that Cheik Suave has a similar profile to Cheik Boheme or something like that. Your impressions based on the notes list I think would help make a more informed blind buy since much of the time with AA and SH they have to be bought blind because of the high demand.
Also actually I will admit that I sometimes look up perfumes on your blog that I know are not available or that have been reformulated into mediocrity just so that I can read your beautiful reviews and imagine them for myself when I feel like “smelling them” because your descriptions are so vivid. Sort of like the children’s book Frederick by Leo Lionni if you have ever read about the mouse who stored memories for the long winter for his friends.
And it does not really help your decision making, but I am excited for the upcoming Prin reviews you already have planned ^^
Hello Karka,
I am new to your blog this year and really thank you for what all you have done.
I am new to fragrance this year too and your reviews have always been my most useful reference. It’s difficult to obtain decant of niche perfume in the city where I live, so I blind buy most of the time. Whenever I want to do a blind buy, I will search your blog and read your comment for decision making. I made some successful blind buy with help of your wonderful reviews on Fumidus, Lonestar memories and T. Habanero.
Some of your reviews even tempt me to buy new fragrance. I was so curious and fell in love with your description in the reviews of Salome, Musc Tokin and Pete Les Betes. I order it immediately after I finish your review. They are so unique and I so happy I own the full bottle.
Most importantly, your review introduces the world of vintage perfume to me. Because of your love and praise of vintage Lagerfeld cologne and Opium, I search and find those old bottles too. I luckily found one vintage Lagerfeld cologne and it is better than many modern perfumes I have tried. I wish I could have read your review on Mitsouko someday.
Thank you for all your reviews have done so far. These 2 years are tough for everyone, and we all understand it. Please take care and wish your parents all the best.
Your faithful reader,
P.S. I have tried Oud For Greatness someday and totally agree with your opinion. It is no good at all.
Hey Kafka! Long time lurker. I got into perfume from reading your blog, have experimented with making my own from there, and spend quite a lot of time discussing your writing with others. I think it’s worth considering that you’re not solely making a scientific venture here; it’s also entertainment, for you and us viewers. To that end, I think writing on what engages you is generally more sustainable among writers I’ve copywritten for.
As a viewer, I personally have synesthesia; I can follow along with your descriptions like I had the scent with me. Your use of pictures, metaphors, and abstract visualization get me very, very close to accurate ideas of the perfume – I’ve bought several samples I thought I’d like based on your description, and had largely been very close in my head to real life. Fragrances I’m not able to get my hands on can still, after a fashion, be a thing I can experience! So I think reviewing hard to acquire or out of production scents is perfectly valid. And for the day all of one may be lost, then we have a very thorough account of it.
Side note – I also have extremely weird skin chemistry and get some of the most bizarre notes pulling on fragrances (I have mostly Francesca Bianchi perfumes and they do some unholy things on me), and it’s made me tempted to start a review blog as well. Plus, this style of writing just looks like a lot of fun! Your work really is inspiring.
I am another longtime lurker who has always marveled at the breadth and depth of your posts.
Your “en bref” reviews are more thorough dissections than other people’s centerpiece reviews, and your centerpiece reviews are theses. Your beautifully clear writing is rabbit hole material. Friends to whom I’ve sent certain posts (the vintage Shalimar series in particular) say the same.
It’s OK to step away. You have given us so much already. Now you have other places to be. As Beth says, we readers will be here when you get back.
PS I’m usually a chypre fan, the less accessible the better. In other words, Aromatics Elixir 4evah!
That said, I’ve been reveling in a bottle of so-called vintage Ysatis. I bought it from, where else, the Bay of Evil and, like you, could find no batch code. Cap color apparently is the marker of age, and mine is gold.
Anyway, this is delicious! I am not equipped to pick apart this flowery beauty. I apply this one on days when I can work from home and smile blissfully as the coconut note hits. The New England winter seems a little less gray for a little while.
Thank you so much for such a lovely comment. I read it after a particularly bad day after an *especially* bad 6 weeks with regard to my father’s health. He has 2 months, at the very best, left. But more likely one month. And I feel so utterly bereft of everything right now while also trying not to show anything lest I upset him or my mother (who has been sobbing for days).
Your kind words mean more than you know. Thank you so very, VERY much.
Your reviews are a “lexicon” (Lady Jane Grey comment) of consolidated knowledge, distilled into an Alexandria Library of fragrance expeditions. Thank you for allowing us to participate in your journey through the wondrous world of perfume, with every nuance we are being guided through the spice bazaars, lush jungles and numerous terroirs of the perfumes composition.
Please be kind to yourself..are the only words I can bestow upon you, as I’m intimately familiar with overextending yourself in such situations. Your natural Attars and favorite fragrances, will be a shoulder to lean on, while strengthening your resolve. My prayers are with you and your family!
P.s. After reading your review on “Mamluk” by Xerjoff, I’ve had “Ceylon” on my radar and hopefully it will come into your hands one day for all of us to enjoy the experience together as a community?!