Hello, everyone. I’m leaving for the airport shortly to start my holiday, and wanted to drop you a quick note to say goodbye and also to apologize for not covering a lot of perfumes recently. It’s been a mad, frenzied dash to get everything prepared and organised for the trip, and since I’m rather obsessive-compulsive about planning, it took up a huge amount of time.
As a side note, I wanted to thank you again for your various recommendations, from museums to restaurants and perfume shops. I’ve compiled them all in my travel documents, and even have written down directions on how to get there from my hotel, so thank you for being such a huge help.
I hope you all have a wonderful few weeks, and I’ll see you in early August. I can’t wait to tell you all about my adventures!
Have fun and enjoy yourself!
Have a lovely trip!
Have a lovely holiday Kafka!! I didn’t know you were going to Italy – I just read your previous posts. I am so tempted to give you recommendations but I will resist because I know you must have planned everything to the t. I do hope you see a lot of Bernini in wild and in the churches..Oh and the Brancacci chapel in Florence..and the Conti stall in the Mercato (the main one) in Florence (I loved their white truffle honey)..ok..I should really stop..lol. Eat a lot of risotto for me, will you? : D Safe travels!!
Buon viaggio e ci’ vediamo a presto!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday, with lots of learning and inspiration. I am sure His Highness will be very happy with your parents (I assume he will be staying there). It maybe weird, but I always tell A. how long we will be away, and that she will be looked after in the best way. I suppose it is as much for her as it is for me.
Safe travels!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday!
Safe travels, Kafka!
Have a wonderful holiday.
Have a wonderful trip, our best wishes, Proetzel Family
Wishing you a wonderful holiday, Kafka !
Have a fantastic trip.
Have a utterly delightful holiday!
Kafkaesque, I hope your trip to Rome and Florence is molto, molto buono – and I know it will be. I’d love to go back to Rome again someday (and see the rest of Italy, too). When you return, I hope you’ll spoil us with a detailed account. Until then, have a wonderful time!
Have a great time!!!
I wish you a great trip! Hope you have an amazing time. I can’t wait to hear about it!
Have a save trip to beautiful Italy and a wonderful holiday! Can’t wait to hear all about your adventures.
(In my fantasy you meet the perfumer who created the wonderful Maai for your interview…but being in Rome it could also be the one who composed the Pope’s perfume…)
I hope you have a great time! I hope the Hairy German forgives you for leaving him. It’s been over a week after a two day trip for me and my parrot still wants to take a piece out of me. Dogs are more forgiving.
Have a great time!
Hi, Would love to follow your blog. Have a safe trip.
Hi Audrey, welcome to the blog. I’m sorry for my delayed reply, but I was away. It would be lovely to have you amongst our little group here, so feel free to sign up or subscribe. There should be a subscription by email or Follow button on the Home page.